Literary prizes for La bienveillance en entreprise” and “Je manage avec bienveillance “
The 25th award ceremony for the best books on employment, the economy and society took place on Thursday 11 February live from the HEC Paris
The 25th award ceremony for the best books on employment, the economy and society took place on Thursday 11 February live from the HEC Paris
The crisis that we are targeting is probably unprecedented, in particular because of its twofold dimension : an economic crisis and a health crisis linked
Managers often reflect on their teams’ engagement: how to motivate them? How to ensure that they are involved and do their best? Meaning as an
It is undoubtedly not very academic to talk of an “imprecise” organization. By this we mean the way a team operates where the scopes of
The corollary of the principle of responsibility is the clarity of scopes. Everyone should know what he has to do. When things are unclear and
The “caring people” gradually train the others to behave the same way. And, in this way, the level of caring throughout the entire group rises.
The president of a service company wants to transform the managerial culture of her company to put more benevolence and trust at the heart of its operation to strengthen cooperation within her teams.
Mettre en œuvre un programme pour assurer l’engagement des équipes dans le long terme.
Deploy leadership through meaning, benevolence and trust.
Engagement survey showing over 90% satisfaction with manager-manager relationships and team cohesion.
Allow a management committee to regain its ability to cooperate, to implement decisions more effectively and to reduce its differences.
Transformer la culture pour promouvoir la bienveillance, moteur de la confiance et de la coopération et vecteur de performance collective.